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Friday 5 March 2010

Weather Report - Sunny Days

The winter seems to really be gone now, and this blog demands updating the images.
It is gloriously sunny in Toronto. It's true that the garden is still covered with snow, and sitting outside is not pleasant, and I'm wearing a heavy coat and boots and gloves, and the shop is stock full of winter garments which men are still buying. It's all true.
Yet spring is really in the air, I can feel it. Faces are brightening up all around me.
I dusted my bike off, figuratively speaking, and despite the fact that my ears still freeze when I ride them hatless, when they are parked in all their decrepit glory beside the shop, people know I'm in.
I'm preparing for a trip during March break - the shop will most likely be closed for a week and a half while I'm busy gallivanting with my magnificent and gracious blood sisters in places far far away.

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