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Thursday 28 June 2012

On the Subject of Beauty

This little marvel of nature - Glaucus Atlanticus, a particularly small and poisonous sea snail, only 3 cm in length, knows how to dress to impress. Believe it or not, it's real.
I can't get enough of looking at this thing.

Summer News

My little shop is blessed with new items for the discerning men. Come check out the beautiful dress shirts I took in in the last few days, some lovely, high-end brands with superior workmanship and fabrics, colourful and fun.
Also - the new Style edition of Toronto Life Magazine invited Renaissance Man to be featured in it this year, it will be out on the news-stands in September.
So Far I've been in their special edition magazines 4 times in our 5 years of existence. That's got to be good.

Sunday 10 June 2012

The Best Consignment Store for Men in Toronto

Some ditz made a list of 10 shops, with some true garbage mixed in there, but neglected to put me in it, although there are no consignment shops in this city who do what I do - which is: cater for both ends of the spectrum - the high and the low, of what men like to wear, exclusively for men.

I check the market in other stores, in other cities and other countries as well, and although I usually don't like to toot my own horn - I'm doing it now. My shop is Gooood! It packs a lot of great stuff for the small space I've got, and the selection is varied and the quality higher than many of the women's shops I've seen. Not to mention my more than reasonable prices.
So if you haven't heard it anywhere else - you've heard it here, now.
Those of you who read me and agree, feel free to comment.

Thursday Night Rainbow

We had a heavy rain that day, with large sunny parts of the sky opening up, painting the entire city in an eerie yellow light, and this full double rainbow:

Saturday 9 June 2012

The Intouchables

Great film!
Based on the true story of a miraculous and life transforming friendship between quadriplegic French millionaire Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, from a long line of French nobility and his poor, wild and dispossessed care taker, a Senegalese man with a contagious lust for life.
The cast is fabulous and as usual unknown to the North American audience. We laughed hard as the characters dive into a series of small adventures and take risks in order to live their life as best they can.
A hopeful affirmation about the nature of people: we are who we are. Circumstances can either reinforce or challenge us, or destroy us, and the choice is in our hands.

Monday 4 June 2012

June Flowers

Here's the fragrant crop from a friend's garden. Even the cats show interest.

Saturday 2 June 2012

It's June, and what have we got to show for it?

Rain, rain and more rain.
This spring is as strange as our winter was: record high temperature one day, hours of rain the next.
People get confused, caught off guard with the wrong wardrobe: sandals when boots are called for, tank top when sweaters would be better, and all that confusion is not so great for the clothing business.
Still, hopeful shoppers show interest in the selection of summer clothes now on my racks, and this week made a nice dent in the growing collection - spring cleaning happens rain or shine, it seems.
I'm ok with that.