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Thursday, 3 May 2012

Elegant Grandmothers

I look at this picture of my grandmother in my sister's wedding from long ago, and I am shocked to see her beauty as I have not seen when I was a girl. I considered her then an old lady, hard working and worrisome.
I guess the stretch and distance of time make it possible now to see her as a remarkable woman and appreciate her in a way that was not available to me all the years she lived with us.
I was one of those lucky people who have access to their grandparents all their childhood. My children don't have that luxury, living as we are in a country far away from the rich extended family we have. I know now how much richer my life has been as a result.
I owe her a lot - she was one of those rare women who face life's lessons and live on, not giving up for one minute. She deserves a story written about her.
A poor widow for the last 30 years of her life, she maintained a sense of dignity and elegance, finding beauty in everyday details.
That fur coat was borrowed from a neighbour, she could have never afforded nor justified such a frivolous purchase.

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