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Saturday 12 May 2012

The Deep Blue Sea

This is a film about obsession. An observation of the beauty and sadness of a love obsession. This is such a compelling subject of literary and film exploration, I can quickly come up with other works that deal with it, with beauty and depth.
But - I don't know why so many of the figures I came up with deal with the obsession and the surrender of the woman:
Madame Bovari, Anna Karenina, Adele H., Ophelia in Hamlet, Cathy in Wuthering Heights, The French Lieutenant's woman and countless more. On the men's side there is of course HH from Lolita, but this is more of a fetish then love, I suspect.
Do men not obsess about women? I'm sure they do. Do people want to witness this on screen or read it on the page? probably. But it seems in either cases they would rather see the woman destroyed or punished in some way, the crime of passion - like in Othello, or the man gone mad, like Hythcliff, or a mutual destruction like in Romeo and Juliet. Why is the woman described in so many works as the fallen angel? Does it make the work more attractive?
I don't know. The simple fact is that we keep watching.


Chris said...

Men do not obsess about women. That's ludicrous.

OK, perhaps a little...

RM said...

Just a tiny little bit, eh?