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Saturday 17 September 2011


I've spent the last 2 nights in the company of Gregory Peck. We watched, yet again, "To Kill a Mockingbird", and then all the bonus features, lots of them - satisfying and lengthy.
In his last years he toured the world with a one man show about himself and people flocked to see him. He told stories from his life and carrier and people had a chance to ask any questions they wished. He promised only to give the answers he wished to give.
He was gracious, eloquent and funny, and charming. His family featured highly in his life and I was reminded of my own father as I watched him speak lovingly about them. My father also had a full head of white hair, but neglected to color his bushy eyebrows black...
One question from the audience stuck in my mind - "What do you want to be remembered for?"
It played in my mind the rest of the night. I asked it myself, and realized I don't have an answer, not yet.

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