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Sunday, 29 November 2009

I'm Old Fashioned

But I don't mind it. These old songs, old B&W films, bigger than life melodramas, big bands playing swing music - they do it for me in a way I can't explain. They make me swing.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

New Qoute

Most of our faults are more pardonable than the means we use to conceal them.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

French classical author who is best known for his maximes, epigrams expressing a harsh or paradoxical truth in the briefest manner possible. A cynical observer of Louis XIV's court, La Rochefoucauld mostly saw selfishness, hypocrisy, and weakness in general in human behavior.

Would he have a different view on humanity these days? have we changes much in the last 500 years? I think not. Just like our predecessors, we mostly know what's right, yet choose wrong.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Social Graces

I have come to realize there is a direct connection between the reduction in the numbers of smokers and the rise in those of cell phone users. One bad habit is replacing the other.
Just think about it - both have the same effects on a social and personal level:
Where once it was cool to smoke, now it's cool to be occupied with a cell phone.
Both are equally annoying to the observers/listeners/second hand inhalers.
Both have an effect of taking a break from life, into the other side of the phone, or into the pleasure of finishing a cigarette.
Both are incredibly addictive.

I'm abstaining.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Murdered Innocence

Two acquaintances meet in the shop, a writer and an opera singer. After the initial surprise of all of us, I talked about the break in. One asked if much was taken. I said that the thing which matters most is my lost innocence. "I knew her before she was innocent" laughed the writer. I'm still trying to understand such a concept.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


I must admit that one of my favourite things to do in the shop is listen to people talk about their love life. It makes me think about all that's good in life.
One of my lovelier customers told me he's in love with a beautiful girl, and the way he described her confirmed that: he talked about her skin, small imperfections, her gait, her art. They are very young, it's wonderful. He asked for some advice. I told him to be always kind, most of all when things start getting complicated and shadows we all carry inside are revealed.
He bought 2 items that are normally not something he would wear. Thank you, lovely girl. He looked very good wearing them.
Change is good, isn't it?

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Moving On, New Quote

It takes time to recover after being violated. I'm not quite over it yet.
I think the biggest damage was done to my soul. When i started this project, I was optimistic, full of positivity and love to everyone who came into my shop. These days I feel different.
The door is now barred. The window is still in progress.
I'm made to think about security, when I don't want to. I keep thinking - what's to protect here that's so important? a few used clothes, what's the big deal. Still, keeping thieves out seems essential somehow.
This is the pipe they used to break the door. I think it's quite beautiful.

It's time for a new quote: this one is for Remembrance Day, and for violent people everywhere:

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.
Lao Tzu