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Sunday 10 March 2013

The Hour

This brilliant show is the British equivalent of Mad Men.
The Hour tells stories of the intrigues and betrayals within the musty, shabby corridors of the BBC in the middle of the 20th century, much like the period of Mad Men, but in London rather than New York, with all the subtleties you could imagine of the differences between the two, and the similarities.
The clothes and decor, accents and manners, the politics, the smoking and drinking, the sexism and racism and the beginning of the emancipation of women in the workforce and in bed.
Fabulous writing, immaculate acting, music to die for. Even though it's in colour, it could very well be in black and white, so Noir in style and manner: smoke in each frame as the alcohol swishing in glasses with every new discovery of the dirty things that go on behind closed doors.
It's sophisticated, rich, juicy and oh so very retro. What's not to love?

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