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Thursday, 28 July 2011

Help Save Toronto Public Libraries

We are under attack - from our own mayor. This man is an embarrassment to our noble city. I bet he has not read a book in recent memory.
He sees no merit in keeping our public libraries supported, and his brother who sits in council complains there are more libraries than Tim Horton s in his neighbourhood. Poor man. He might stumble upon a library by mistake looking for a donut and be presented with a book instead, and there where would the city be?

What to do: keep pestering the city with our petition, keep the talk going, and don't let go. Click on the link, write personal comments, be as eloquent as you possibly can with your arguments, passionate, informed.

If you can come up with a plan to get a new mayor, more of a Renaissance Man than our current Middle Ages man, tell me about it.

Lets all remember 1933 Germany - burning books. That alone should remind us why libraries need to be publicly funded.

Oh, and don't we love that he is erasing the new bike lanes, at great expense, to make the city more car friendly?
This is the new face of Toronto, for those who have never laid eyes on this man:

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