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Sunday, 3 April 2011

It Snows Every April

I keep reminding people, and they keep forgetting. There has not been a single year it hasn't snowed at least once in April. Canadians will never admit it.

I am going to challenge myself. I never do this. But the idea sounds proper for the state of mind I'm in these days: I saw a blog of someone who vowed to list 3 good things every day for a year, to practice positive thinking. She was successful and reported it was a very good year. I truly need a very good year, having had a pretty terrible one.

I can do with some positive thinking at this unsettling time, so I'll try a modified version and see how it goes: I am going to list 3 positive things each week. Don't want to become obsessively positive now, do we. I'll start with the week that was, which was the worst since my father's death in October.

1. A surprise bouquet of yellow Freesias in my kitchen courtesy of my dear man.
2. A glimpse into my kids' thoughtful minds - being invited to read a personal, poetic musing email to a friend of one, and a discussion about consequences with the other.
3. A delightful spring walk and talk in the Brickworks with a trusted friend, and a superb cup of after-walk coffee at Broadview Cafe.

Images from the Brickworks:

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